Zack Heart & Friends Pics
Outbackzack sharing a priceless moment after 3 months. Bear and man form a trusted bond with each other.
Outbackzack in funny scene with black bear.
Outbackzack with coyote pup. Born at Californian High School!
Cutest baby skunk rescued by Outbackzack
Outbackzack tries to save the life of adorable baby opossum. (See story)
Outbackzack story about animals used for entertainment. (See full story in blog)
Outbackzack. The Rat with the bad wrap. Beautiful rat. (See story)
Outbackzack. Skunk babies reunited. (See story)
Zack Heart aka Outback Zack catches and relocates giant black Western Rattlesnake in Fawnskin, Caliofornia.
Zack Heart aka Outback Zack with adorable orphaned raccoon cubs.
Zack Heart aka Outback Zack headshot.
Wildlife Expert Zack Heart aka Outback Zack with Green Iguana in Puerto Rico.
Zack Heart aka Outback Zack on KUSI News.
Zack Heart body shot in Turkey.
Zack Heart aka Outback Zack hosting the Great Australian Fire Appeal in 2009.